Mandatory details pursuant § 5 TMG
resense360 GmbH
Prenzlauer Allee 186
10405 Berlin
hello@resense360.comRegistered in the registry of associations of the local court Berlin-Charlottenburg
Registry number: HRB 262140 B
Tax number (StN): 37/490/51498
Co-founders: Zoia Lukianova, Indira Shah, Ruslan Kildeev
Represented by: Zoia Lukianova
Responsible for content in terms of press law and § 18 MDStV: Ruslan Kildeev. For editorial contributions that are identified by name, the responsibility in terms of press law lies with the authors.
Content: Zoia Lukianova, Indira Shah, Ruslan Kildeev
Graphic Design & Illustrations: Ruslan Kildeev
Web Design: Ruslan Kildeev
Photos: Victor Magdeyev