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online events
we at resense360 believe that human relationships are a baseline for collective learning and change efforts
for us, online gatherings are a way to initiate meaningful conversations and leverage connections across geographies
we offer our knowledge and practice to organizations, communities, and networks seeking to rethink existing or discover new ways to create meaningful engagement online
how we do it
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  • setting clear goals and outcomes for an event
  • defining target audience and their needs
  • careful content curation
  • speakers management — from selection to briefing to support during the event
  • selection of digital platforms that contribute to the goals and ensure a seamless online experience for everyone
  • development of detailed event script
  • crafting key narratives to promote the event
  • designing a communications strategy (channels, key messages, tone of voice)
  • content creation (texts and visuals)
  • registration and onboarding of participants
  • coordination of the hosting team, moderators, speakers, interpreters, graphic recorders, participants
  • facilitation of sessions
  • visual facilitation
  • tech hosting (managing digital platforms, tech support, sessions recording and streaming)
  • gathering insights from participants
  • documentation and follow-up
  • debrief and evaluation
how we can work together
full service
we handle every aspect of online event management — from planning and design to execution and follow-up
task-based support
we provide support in key areas of online event management, complementing your efforts with our expertise where it's needed most

we offer consultation and guidance tailored to the nuances and practicalities of online event management
community meetup
networking event
you name it
community meetup
networking event
you name it
what you can expect
  • maximum effort to create inclusive environment
  • thoughtful digital aesthetics
  • healthy meticulosity
please, don't expect
  • yet another event
  • “talking heads”
  • monotonous presentations with endless slide decks
contact us
email us at hello@resense360.com

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